Keshika Cheetamun


Keshika Cheetamun


How many flying hours do you have?
+/- 400 hours

How many aircraft are you rated on?
I am rated on 7 different aircraft.

What ignited your passion for flying?
I was lucky enough to have a family that prioritised experiencing new destinations throughout my childhood. Every trip abroad was a different experience and I loved the magical feeling of every takeoff and landings. Since then I wanted to combine that magical feeling and travelling.

What is your favourite aircraft to fly and why?
On the aircraft I’m rated on, it’s the Piper Seneca. It’s a roomy cockpit and I enjoy the power and speed that the aircraft has.

The perfect student would be:
Someone that’s willing to give his 100% everyday, a hard worker with a passion for flying.

In my spare time I enjoy:
I love road trips and being at the beach. I also enjoy BBQ with friends and family.

Keshika Cheetamun
